Any sense that I might be incompetent, unworthy, or inadequate was completely eradicated by my weekend card making activities. Inspired by Mother Mark's acrylic box cards (go
here, they are fabulous) I created this little gem for my daughter's birthday. Certain she could never appreciate it as much as I do, she was coerced into granting me custody of the card until she turns thirty or earns her first master's degree which ever comes first.
Dozens of acrylic boxes lie (lay?) unused in a drawer, relics of my abandoned commitment to making cards by the dozen and selling them at craft shows. Can you imagine how tickled I was to find that Mother Mark had put them to use as "windows?" What a delightfully inspired idea!
As so often happens when my crafting time coincides with cocktail hour, a wine induced optimism led me to believe I could create several of these cards in an evening. We always celebrate Mother's day with my daughter's birthday and I certainly couldn't present this work of art for my daughter while my mother got something flat and ordinary. I won't make a short story long, so to sum it up, all the attending mothers and daughters got great cards. However, my cheery mood turned rather sour as the minutes turned to hours, then more hours, and a few more hours (I work slowly). The next morning I was so delighted by the fruits of my labor that all grumpiness soon departed. The truth is, making a beautiful card (even one shamelessly copied) fills me with a god-like sense that paper bends to my will, and I will happily trade a few hours sleep for that!
Details: Paper: CTMH "
Daydream"; Stamp "
Cupcake Sprinkles" Acrylic box from
PTIHappy Crafting!