Clearly, the theme of procrastination flows through both my life and my blog. Hence, I am just now scrapping an event that took place nearly ten years ago. My husband goes to Sturgis every year; and on this trip he took our youngest son. The trip was a mixed blessing for me. Joy at the prospect of having the house to myself for a few days was tempered by nightmarish visions of motorcycle wrecks.
Our family is thoroughly and completely unskilled in all aspects of photography. Sometimes it's that we don't manage cameras very well; sometimes life rolls on, interesting and photographable moments take place, and no one thinks to pick up a camera. I see other people's families poised in front of "Welcome to California" signs and I wonder: "Why don't we ever think to do that?" And yet, we continue to roll by "Welcome to..." signs and forget to stop. But, let a random buffalo wander near the car and I'll snap 35 photos. I'm thick that way.
Anyway, the two of them went to Sturgis, and true to the family genes, my son snapped dozens of buffalo pictures and not a single picture of himself or his father. Had it not been for their images reflected in the motorcycle mirrors as donkeys and buffalo were dutifully captured on film, I would never have known for sure if my boys went to Sturgis at all.

Since I had the Stardust Paper Pack opened, I decided to scrap another event from the ancient past: a trip to Seattle I took with my children. We had a great time at the Pacific Science Center. It isn't easy for kids to have a mother who teaches science. We showed up at the Science center when they opened and stayed until the janitor's push broom nipped at our heels. For me, the day was delightful; for them, a lesson in patience.
Close To My Heart: Stardust and Stickease, and a few random strands of ribbon