No, I am not late with the Valentine blog offerings. I'm early.
There's no time like now to make cards and gifts for Valentine's Day 2011. Right now the guilt of not creating something special for each of your friends is still fresh in your mind. Can you imagine how you will feel when you welcome Valentine's 2011, smug in the knowledge that you've secured a stash of thoughtful handmade gifts?

These little boxes are ideal make-and-store gifts. After decorating them, just store them flat. Wrapped in tissue and hidden away in a covered box, they are ready for you to give when the time is right.
Materials: All materials were from a rather large stash accumulated over several years. Thankfully, the stash is decreasing!
Challenge Update:Eight days ago I challenged myself to "enjoy what I already have." The intention was to address a situation in which I had stuff stacked on top of stuff, and my favorite past time was adding new stuff to the stuff that was already stuffed in the cupboards. Clearly, it was time to address the issue.
These gable boxes are a prime example. There are approximately 30 of them on my shelves. Thirty. How absurd. And yet, none of my friends ever receive thoughtful gifts from me. I have no time for thoughtfulness. Accumulating and storing stuff takes all my time.
This week I've had more time to engage in those activities that feel like "quality" to me. More time with friends, more time creating, more time reading, exercising, and being.
Saturday was tough - that's the day specifically set aside for going places and buying things. Happily, advance planning eased the challenged. I issued an invitation and spent the day with people who matter to me. People instead of things: Awesome.
Happy Crafting!