

Here is a reasonable facsimile of one of the Make-n-Takes we did yesterday. The one we made wasn't sewn at the edges. This uses the new "Mistletoe" Workshop on the Go kit. The kit includes a paper packet, a super cute package of poinsettia brads (really, SUPER cool) and a stamp set perfect for holiday stamping and scrapping. The punch for the evergreen boughs was an aged and worn contraption that would not produce evergreens until we really threw our weight into it. Happily, I have plenty of weight to contribute so we ended up with enough boughs.

The ornaments were first stamped in black, then I stamped them again in different colors, cut them out and glued them over the black stamped image. That way I had black hooks. A dab of gold Stickles for the top of the ornament and the card was done.

Happy Crafting!