How dearly do I love the garden! And how sweet is the quiet retreat after a trying year of work
. I love my job. Really I do. But there are so many people. By this time of year, I am thoroughly peopled out and ready for dirt. And weeds. And worms. And creepy crawlies of every sort.

The modern, suburban yard doesn't really do it for me. It's the
soulfulness of of an old-fashioned garden with all its imperfections that feels like life and peace to me.

I never had a plan, never spent much money, but I love the culminating effect of a hundred little cuttings from friends' gardens, countless Mother's Day gifts, dozens upon dozens of dozens of frost-bitten starts salvaged from trash bins of local nurseries.

My husband loves working with iron and I love being married to a blacksmith - it's such a
manly form of creativity :)
Wishing you a soulful summer day in the garden!